Firstly, if you haven't headed out to buy some ice cube trays to freeze your baby food in, get out and grab something like the below:

Smooooove Carrots
About 8 good sized carrots
- Peel and chop the carrots
- Place a pot on the stove with enough water to cover the carrots
- Place carrots in the pot
- Leave carrots to become tender (about 15 - 20 minutes)
- Drain the carrots and place them in a blender or bowl (for hand mixer - although, as I found quite messy!)
- Add a little water to make a puree
- And blend
- Ensure that the mixture is blended enough to so there aren't any chunky bits (babies apparently don't like the chunks as yet)
- And voila!
Pear and Apple Delight
2 good sized apples and 2 good sized pears
- Peel, core and chop the fruit
- Place a pot on the stove with enough water to cover the fruit
- Place chopped fruit into pot
- Leave fruit to become tender (about 15 - 20 minutes)
- Drain the fruit and place in a blender
- Add a little water to make a puree
- And blend
You can then spoon the mixture into the ice tray to freeze (I place Glad wrap over the top of mine) and then pop the cubes out into a Ziplock bag marked CARROTS when they're hard and back into the freezer.
When you're reheating, one ice block generally defrosts in the microwave if you head the DEFROST button and 50 seconds. So, 3 blocks will take about 2 1/2 minutes. But you'll have to test your microwave out to see what the best time ratio is.
Always check the heat before serving it up to your bubs!
I've also found, adding a pear/apple cube to a pumpkin or potato cube makes it much easier to go down! You know, spoon full of sugar and all that jazz.
By making my own baby food (though it does take some time and organisation on my part) I save about $25.00 a week!! Yep... do the sums and you'll probably find that you'll save a bucket load.
And... you know exactly what your baby is eating too, which is nice peace of mind.
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