As the price of groceries climbs higher and higher, we need to keep finding way to cut down our grocery bills. One of the simplest ways to do so is by cutting down on food waste. Australian’s throw away $5 billion worth of food per year, between 1 and 5 food items per week! Think of all that cash thrown in the bin. Here are some tips to help you reduce your food waste.
- Check your fridge and pantry when making your shopping list – By checking your fridge and pantry you can see what food you have at home, which allows you to meal plan around what you already have, also helping you to avoid buying multiples.
- Freeze fruit – Fruit often has a short shelf, but fruits like banana can be mashed and frozen, and apples can be stewed and frozen. Alternatively, chop the fruit and freeze it, process it in the food processor and freeze again, which makes a great cool summer snack. You can also turn fruit into a sauce by putting it in a saucepan over low heat for a few minutes with a bit of sugar and some lemon juice. It can then be used as is or frozen.
- Use up the vegetables rolling around in your fridge/pantry – Turn any vegetables that need to be used up into a vegie bake, by slicing and placing them in a baking dish, pour over some cream, sprinkle with cheese and bake until tender.
- Use up stale bread – Turn stale bread into bread and butter pudding, by buttering bread triangles and baking with some sultanas and a mixture of egg, milk, cream and nutmeg.
- Savoury leftovers – Turn savoury leftovers into fried rice, quesadillas, frittatas, mince mixtures and toasted sandwiches.
- Make biscuits – Turn left over bits and pieces into biscuits, such as chocolate chips, dried fruit and nuts and breakfast cereal.
- Gift food items – Gift unwanted and unopened cans and bottles of food to family and friends, or to a local shelter or charity.
- Be organised – Keep your fridge and pantry organised so you can easily identify the foot items you have and those you need, and take a list to the supermarket so you don’t buy any unnecessary items.
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