Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Day 1: Secret Santa is the key to a stress free Christmas

If your family is anything like ours you will completely relate to the madness that ensues every Christmas when it comes time to buying presents for everyone. I have three brothers, who have 7 kids between them, a sister who has two kids, my parents, my brother and sisters in law, my in laws, grandparents, my sister in law and her partner, not to mention my soon to be husband and our son. It's insane to think about buying something decent for everyone in the family. Apart from being an expensive exercise, who has the time to go shopping for 20+ presents!

One Christmas, as we sat over the 15 $5 gifts we received, it was decided that the following year we would do Secret Santa.

So, the following Christmas we each drew a name out of a hat and that was who we were buying a decent enough present for that year. And it worked a treat! There was no wastage, no unused gifts and just pure joy at buying something useful for someone that didn't break the budget!

Whilst I realise that Christmas is not about gift giving, it is a huge part of the festive season. So why not save some money this year and instigate Secret Santa with your family.

There is a fantastic free website called Eflster that helps you to co-ordinate and manage your Secret Santa!

Visit to get the ball rolling. Otherwise, a simple name drawn out of a hat will suffice.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Some quick tips on how you can life a cash only lifestyle

1. Don't take your credit cards with you on a shopping trip! Leave them at home.

2. Take time each month to review your credit card statements. Highlight the interest you paid and the interest you received. Work out where you could have used cash so you can change your habits for the future.

3. Draw up a budget and outline how you will pay the budget items (i.e. Origin bill = direct debit; Weekly shopping = cash). It is important to review your budget when your circumstances change.

4. STOP YOURSELF when you are about to buy something on impulse. It's always worth sleeping on it!

5. Withdraw your weekly cash needs at your bank's ATM and keep it in a safe place at home. If you don't have a safe I'd recommend something inconspicuous.

6. As much as you can, cook at home. It's not only cheaper than eating out, but healthier.

7. Give yourself time to sit down as a family and plan our your financial wants and needs. Becoming debt free doesn't happen just by thinking about it. You need to be an active participant in your financial choices.

8. Only make purchases once your monthly bills have been taken care of.

9. Save for the big ticket items - don't get charged interest when you could've bought it out right.

10. Living frivolously doesn't mean you have to miss out. Use Adelaide Bargain Mums, to help your family's budget go even further  

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Could you live a cash only lifestyle?

Unless you pay your credit card balance in full every month, it seems mad to use it for every day purchases. Switching to cash for your day to day shopping is the right answer. It helps you stick to a budget and stops those impulse buys at the supermarket. Take this into consideration. If you withdraw $200 for your fortnightly shopping expedition you aren't going to easily go over the amount you have in your purse and you'll be more aware of the items you put into your trolley; costing it out in your head as you go.

Living with cash will also help you sift out what you need and what you don't. Giving yourself an 'allowance' in cash each week and leaving the plastic at home will curb your spending habits. It's hard to do but very well worth it. And like everything, it does take some getting used to. Keeping your family budget under control is all about planning and discipline.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Exciting news... Bargain Mums TV launching soon

Exciting news afoot for the Bargain Mums team and our ever expanding followers and community. We will be launching Bargain Mums TV in the new year. The weekly broadcast will aim to give you some first hand insight into how you can save money in a practical way as well as give you a snap shot of the spots you need to go to keep money in your back pocket. We'll also be reviewing new products and services and opening the broadcast up for discussion about money saving ideas!

Keep your eye on this space! 2011 is set to rock the Bargain Mums world.

Stay tuned!!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Buy buy buy - why now is a good time to save money online

With the Australian dollar in parity with the US dollar now is a fantastic time to save money on your online purchases! So what is this PARITY business?

Parity, when referring to economics is equality in price, rate of exchange, purchasing power, or wages. In this case, the Australian dollar is equal to and if not performing better than the US dollar. Which means, that the Aussie dollar stretches further now when you purchase products from the US.

So get on the bandwagon and save some money by shopping online this Christmas.

Some great sites you should consider:

And if you want to find out the exchange rate, the bext webite to do this on is

We don't know how long this will be the case, so take advantage today!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Tip #14 - If you can walk, don't drive!

If you live in an area where you don’t have to drive far away to get to work or stores, walk, bicycle or take a bus/train!

Not only will you save money but you will be healthier.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Tip #13 - Eat before you go shopping

Everything looks good at the grocery store when you are hungry. If you go to the store before eating you may find that you stuff your cart with more than you need! Try to go right after a meal to avoid impulse buys and to avoid getting more than what you need and spending more money than planned.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Tip #12 - Cut banking costs and fees

Enroll in totally free checking plans, avoid ATM fees by using your bank's ATM (this can be tricky, but try planning ahead and withdrawing money at the start of the week or every few days).

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Tip #11 - Cook from scratch (as much as possible!)

Cooking from scratch with simple, inexpensive ingredients is one of the greatest ways to save money on your grocery budget while also eating more healthfully.

With some planning ahead and cooking in bulk and freezing, you can eliminate the need for many processed foods without spending a great deal of time and thought.

The following have some excellent recipes you can use to help save money and cook from scratch:

All Recipes

NineMSN Recipe Finder

Best Recipes


Lifestyle Food

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Tip #10 - Pack lunches

Packing lunch instead of eating fast food is not only cost effective but it’s a healthier choice.

There are some great resources online for parents looking to put together cost effective and healthy lunch boxes for their kids.

Here are a few sites I came across:

Easy Packed Lunch Recipes

eHow - How To Pack A Lunch For Teens

Kids Health - School Lunches

Remember, kids perform better at school when they have had a healthy lunch.

Tip #9 - Use coupons

It’s been proven time and time again that coupons can save thousands of dollars throughout the year. Coupons are also available these days online. There are many reputable sites where moms can log on, print coupons and go.

Here are just a few:

Hot Dockets

Coupon Line

Why Pay Full Price

Coupon Snapshot


Know of any other sites... let me know!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Bargain Mum's Cheesymite Scroll Recipe

Bargain Mum's Cheesymite Scroll Recipe

Makes 8
Preparation time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 10 - 12 minutes

2 cups (300g) self-raising flour
40g canola spread
3/4 cup (185ml) skim milk
1 tbs flour, extra
3 tbs, vegemite
60g reduced fat tasy cheese, grated

Preheat oven to 180 degress C. Spray a baking trail with oil.

Sift the flour into a medium bowl, using fingertips rub the butter into the flour until fine and crumbly.

Pour almost all the milk and mix to a soft dough. Add more milk if necessary. Sprinkle the extra flour over work surface and lightly knead the dough for 30 seconds.

Roll dough out onto baking paper to 20 x 30cm rectangle approx 5mm thick.

Spread the Vegemite over the dough leaving a 1 cm edge. Sprinkle the cheese over.

Roll the dough up from the long side. Using a sharp knife, cut the roll into 8 slices. Place on the prepared tray and bake in the oven for 10 - 12 minutes or until golden brown.

Delish! And great for lunchboxes.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Discount variety stores... wool over eyes?

I was recently in a discount variety store and saw a selection of food items such as museli bars, pasta sauces, spaghetti, soups and other pantry products. Some items were relatively cheap, when compared with a similar home brand product however others were the same if not higher in price.

A word to the wise - ensure that what you are buying at a discount variety store is cheaper, otherwise you might as well buy it from your local supermarket.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Tips for staying warm and keeping that bill down

I recently asked my lovely group of Bargain Mums what they did to keep their winter electricity bill down. The response was fantastic and I'd like to share those tips with you here.

Danielle Medina: I just bought some snakes from Ikea. The kids think they are great to play with, and when they go to bed I put them across the doors to keep the drafts out.

Marteen Loneragan: we wrap up in blankets before we even consider putting the heater on.

Rebecca Pryde: I've heard that uncovered windows (no curtains or blinds) lets alot of cold in, so I always try to have the curtains drawn before it gets dark. Don't know if it does anything, but it makes me feel better. :)

Christine Hancock: Heavily lined curtains and a pelmet at the top to block the cold air.

Suzy N Kevin Lincoln: About 4ish as it starts to cool down we rug up and go outside to play chasey with the dogs! Gets the blood pumping and warms us up for a few more hours!

Some fantastic suggestions!

How do you stay warm when the winter chill is in the air?

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Book in the works...

Shhh... I have a book in the works! If you are interested in being part of a book project please email me! You're a mum, so you qualify! :)

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Tip #8 - Make your own baby food

I think myself quite the hippy! I made my own baby food today and I am as pleased as punch! As Oscar is still starting out with solids, I began my baby food making venture with some easy favourites and thought I'd share a few with you here.

Firstly, if you haven't headed out to buy some ice cube trays to freeze your baby food in, get out and grab something like the below:

Smooooove Carrots
About 8 good sized carrots

- Peel and chop the carrots
- Place a pot on the stove with enough water to cover the carrots
- Place carrots in the pot
- Leave carrots to become tender (about 15 - 20 minutes)
- Drain the carrots and place them in a blender or bowl (for hand mixer - although, as I found quite messy!)
- Add a little water to make a puree
- And blend
- Ensure that the mixture is blended enough to so there aren't any chunky bits (babies apparently don't like the chunks as yet)
- And voila!


Pear and Apple Delight
2 good sized apples and 2 good sized pears

- Peel, core and chop the fruit
- Place a pot on the stove with enough water to cover the fruit
- Place chopped fruit into pot
- Leave fruit to become tender (about 15 - 20 minutes)
- Drain the fruit and place in a blender
- Add a little water to make a puree
- And blend

You can then spoon the mixture into the ice tray to freeze (I place Glad wrap over the top of mine) and then pop the cubes out into a Ziplock bag marked CARROTS when they're hard and back into the freezer.

When you're reheating, one ice block generally defrosts in the microwave if you head the DEFROST button and 50 seconds. So, 3 blocks will take about 2 1/2 minutes. But you'll have to test your microwave out to see what the best time ratio is.

Always check the heat before serving it up to your bubs!

I've also found, adding a pear/apple cube to a pumpkin or potato cube makes it much easier to go down! You know, spoon full of sugar and all that jazz.

By making my own baby food (though it does take some time and organisation on my part) I save about $25.00 a week!! Yep... do the sums and you'll probably find that you'll save a bucket load.

And... you know exactly what your baby is eating too, which is nice peace of mind.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Moving is a great time to reconcile, declutter and chuck!

A friend of mine once said to me when we were talking about decluttering, you have to look at things with a hard heart. And I always remember that piece of advice when I try to declutter or indeed I move house. Having recently done both, I was again reminded by the need to look at the things I own (or horde!) with a hard heart.

When was the last time I used it?
When will I use it again?
Do I need this?
Can I get rid of it?
Can I sell it?
Could someone else find use in it?

All of these questions should be applied to the things in your life you could (probably/possibly) live without.

A hard heart means, the items you think you don't need but you hold onto just in case you might need them again one day, probably could go off to a better home or be recycled in some way.

Happy decluttering... and remember, you trash could be someone else's treasure so think about selling it on eBay ( or, if you have enough stuff, throw a garage sale! Sometimes you can make some money out of the items you just don't need any more.

Friday, July 9, 2010

The ultimate question...

Before you buy something, ask yourself these questions:

- Can I live without this?
- Do I need it? Or merely want it?
- Do I already have something I can use instead?
- Can I borrow it from a friend or family member?
- How long will I have to work to pay for this?

Sometimes the answer might help you make a decision about a purchase and save money on something you really didn't need, just wanted!

It's hard, I know! But give it a go.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Tip #7 - Magazines

I am the biggest culprit. I'll pick up a magazine from the stands when I'm waiting in line at the supermarket. AND... I find that I always pick up the same titles. Good Health, WHO, NW.

I just did some research and found that I can save over 35% of the rack price by subscribing to the regular magazines that I purchase. Over time, that's a saving of well over $25.00 on some titles. Plus, a lot of publications have a free gift when you subscribe. Nice!!

Visit to find the title you buy regularly and find out how much you could save by subscribing. Not only that, you get the title delivered to your door and often times, before it even hits the stands. Perfect!!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Tip #6 - Keep track of what you spend


Are you feeling the pinch now that 1 July has rolled around?
Water and electricity rates have gone up, bank fees, interest rates - where is the relief?
How can we save money and keep the dollars in our pockets?

It seems we are all in need of being a bit more frugal with our money and knowing where we spend every cent of it.

Whenever I sit down to do a budget, I spend one week keeping tabs on where and what I spend every single dollar on. This includes that sneaky coffee and cake mid week to celebrate hump day!

At the end of the week, I sit down and figure out where my money is going. You'd be surprised at the small and incidental spends you make that eat away at your hip pocket. Aim to curb these spending habits and you could save yourself hundreds every year.

You could also find that you are spending money buying smaller quantities of something, when you could save money buying a larger quantity and divvying up. A great example of this is my love for Ice Tea; the Peach variety. Mmm. So good. I often find when I go into pay for petrol, I'll grab a bottle of Ice Tea on my way to the register. It seems harmless. Often times, $3.50 doesn't break the bank. But if I spend $3.50 every other day, I've spent almost $15 on 2L of Ice Tea.

I could save myself over $10 if I was a bit more organised. Bickfords do a fantastic Ice Tea concentrate which you can mix with water. It tastes pretty much on par with the brand I love getting and with all the empty bottles I have around the place (from water or those spontaenous Ice Tea purchases) I can keep them in the fridge and grab one for on the go.

A 2L bottle of Bickfords Ice Tea Concerntrate will make around 15 500ml bottles. Over time, this will save me about $50!

This is why it is so important to figure out where you are spending your money. Because you could find that buying in bulk or changing your habits could save you money in the long run.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Tip #5 - Don't forget your shopping bags

Argh! I am the biggest culprit of this one. I'm terrible with remembering my shopping bags. Those darn calico bags torture me. Gone are the days of simply heading to the shops on a whim. No. Now I need to make sure I've got my bags... and make sure I've got enough of them because heaven forbid I'm short!

Our bag collection seemed to grow out of control when I was pregnant. I blame it on my baby brain, but I can also be incredibly lazy when it comes to sticking to a routine.

So now... whenever I bring the shopping in, take it out of the bags and pack it away, I collect up all the bags and put them back in the boot of my car. That way, I don't have to spend 99c a throw when I show up to the counter bag-less. And, I can still partake in spontaneous shopping trips that don't involve the inevitable sigh when I realise I have to buy more bags or pay 10c for a dingy plastic one which 'no, you can't use again'.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

As if we needed more reasons to save a buck!

Just ONE MORE REASON (as if we needed more) for families to band together to help other families save money.

Child care fees are on the up and up.

The families of more than 500,000 children in long-daycare centres could face fee increases of up to $120 a week under federal government changes, starting from next month.


The reforms are aimed at improving early childhood education but may actually make it unaffordable for thousands of those families.

Long-daycare centres - the largest provider of preschool services in NSW - are expected to increase fees by up to $24 a day to meet requirements under the government's National Quality Framework.

To read the rest of this article... visit:

What are your thoughts about this proposed change? Will your family feel the pinch even more with up to $24 a day extra coming out of your already tight family budget? And what about parents looking to return to the workforce. Part-time work seems hardly worth it when the cost of child care is so high.

I'd value your thoughts on this issue.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Eat Out In - It's like eating out... in!

I love helping a new business, especially when it's one that has been started by a friend but is also such a good idea!!
Eat Out In is a brand new dining experience currently operating in the Adelaide Hills suburbs of Aldgate, Stirling, Bridgewater and Crafers.

A new concept producing fresh housemade pasta, breads, mains and desserts daily and delivering them hot to your door.

Why should you compromise taste, freshness and quality by ordering the regular take out. Eat Out In is a whole new at home dining experience and the tastes will knock your socks off.

Visit the Eat Out In website: to download their Winter Menu and find something to wrap your lips around.

Bargain Mums will receive a free dessert, bread or kids meal when they mention Bargain Mums.

To order call 8367 9967.

Thanks Amanda...

A big thanks to Amanda Blair who had me on her show Tuesday afternoon to talk about Bargain Mums! What an amazing response we've had to the website and the feedback continues to be sensational.

I really am so lucky to be part of something that is helping families in SA save money.

There is so much more I want to do to help, so stay tuned.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Tip #4 - Start a mini food co-op and buy in bulk

With a little careful organisation and some forward planning, starting a mini food co-op with your friends and family could save you loads!!

What is a food co-op?
It's a great way to cut your costs! By buying produce in bulk – both fresh food and dry goods – and splitting it up, you can save a lot of the money and effort that otherwise goes into the weekly shop.

Who can be in my co-op?
The closer together the members live, the easier it is to organise and divide so if you're friends with your neighbours or you have family and friends that live near by, start there!

How does a co-op work?
You will need to assign somebody to keep the accounts and manage the orders. Needless to say, this person must be diligent, committed and patient. Draw up a roster for buying, sorting and delivering. For example, in a group of two-dozen members, two people could do the shop from the market and another two could sort and distribute. Depending on the structure, this means each member may only be rostered on once a month or even less. As with any group, it's crucial that all the work does not fall to only a few people.

Where can I shop to save money for the co-op?
There are several places you can start when looking to buy bulk and at wholesale prices and I've listed a few of these below:

South Australia
Adelaide Produce Market -
The Adelaide Central Market -
Rite Price Grocery Warehouse -
Salty's Fish Market - 52-58 London Rd, Mile End South
Campbell's Cash and Carry -
Hills Market Kitchen -
Barossa Farmers Market -
Willunga Farmers Market -
Limestone Coast Farmers Market -
Riverland Farmers Market -
Organic & Sustainable Market -

If you're looking for markets interstate, simply Google; Farmer Market, Groceries Clearance, Groceries Wholesale, Fruit and Vegetable Wholesale, Markets

You are bound to find what you're looking for!!

Do I have to start my own co-op?
Contact your local Council and query with them whether there is already a co-op operating in your area that you can join, otherwise check the following links to see what you can find:

Thoughtful Foods -
Friends of the Earth -
SA Community -

If you can't find one that fits with you, then start your own! Remember, to start out small and aim to get bigger as time goes on. For tips on how to run a larger scale co-op visit

I'd be interested to hear from anyone who has their own co-op or is part of a co-op.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Tip #3 - Shopping Lists

Ahh... the humble shopping list! Did you know, according to a US Study conducted in 2008, shoppers who headed into their weekly shopping expeditilon with a shopping list were 78% less likely to purchase spontaneously! Yes, that's right! You're less likely to buy those products you really don't need if you stick to a shopping list.

After every shop, I start a new shopping list and keep it in the kitchen near the fridge. Whenever we run out of something, I jot it down on the list. By the next shop, the list is pretty full but before I head out I'll do one final scan through the house checking toilet paper supplies, nappies, wet ones, shampoos and conditioners, shavers... everything! I'll add items that need refilling and choof off to the shops.

It's true, sometimes I'll see something on the shelves that I have forgotten to add to the list - but I quickly try to revert back to the list.

It's a simple thing (and one you'll all probably say, DURGH too) but when you put an item in your trolley - cross it off the list. That way, if you get through the shop and have missed an item because it's not on special or there are none left on the shelves, you know what you need to source elsewhere.

Something exciting!
We'll be launching a shopping list function on the Bargain Mums website shortly... which will allow you to add items you find on special to a shopping list you can print directly from the site. Too easy!!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

5AA and Amanda Blair

Just got word from 5AA Producer that Amanda Blair will be interviewing me about Bargain Mums on Tuesday 15 June! Even a station in Hobart have caught onto the story and want to do an interview next week. Aye aye aye... talk about being the face of Bargain Mums. Totally unexpected and nerve-racking.

Anyone have any tips for radio?

Monday, May 31, 2010

Tip #2 - Plan ahead, create a weekly menu

Whether it's Spaghetti Monday in your household, or you like to fly by the seat of your culinary pants every week, planning your meals can be a huge help in saving money at the checkout.

To get you started, download the free Bargain Mums Weekly Meal Planner at the below address:

Every Sunday night, sit down and create a menu for the week. Be as simple or creative as your week will allow and always write in one night off a fortnight, where you order in or go out as a treat.

Include in your weekly plan any snacks and desserts including fresh fruit, drinks, teas & coffees, biscuits etc.

When you come to write up your shopping list, refer to your Weekly Meal Plan and you can't go wrong.

Before you head out with your shopping list in hand, it's a good idea to go shopping in your own pantry first. You might just find that you already have 3 cans on crushed tomatos. A 4th will probably take up room in your cupboard and money from your wallet.

Stay tuned for Tip #3: Shopping lists
This tip can save you $$ instantly!

The ever growing to-do list... but it's all fun!

The Today Tonight story aired last Wednesday and the response to the segment and the website has been truly fantastic! Thank you to everyone who has emailed me in the last week. Apologies if I haven't responded... I am getting there!

Clearly, mums (and as I have found, dads!) have been crying out for a tool like this to help them save money on their grocery bill. It's no wonder so many of us are drowing in a sea of debt or struggling to make ends meet some weeks. Our cost of living is sky rocketing and it only seems to be going up and up.

It's actually really lovely to be part of something that is helping the average Aussie family not only save money, but shop smarter and be a bit wiser with our purchases.

Thanks again for taking Bargain Mums under your wing... the craziness continues to roll on with interest from interstate mums eager to have their sites launched as soon as possible.

Potential interview with a radio station in Hobart about the online phenomenon that is taking Adelaide mums to a new level of shopping intelligence.

Well done guys and keep up the sharing!!

If you missed the Today Tonight story, check it out at the below link:

Monday, May 24, 2010

Tip #1 - Share and share alike

Welcome the first of many tips I will post to help you find ways to save money in your day to day life. These tips will include strategies for how to shop, where to shop, what to buy and when as well as ways you can limit your consumption and think about your purchasing habits in a different way.

If you have a particular question or need some ideas on how you can save money around the home, please email me at and I will happily do some investigation and testing to see whether as a community, we can solve your money woes.

On that note, let's kick it off with Tip #1!

Tip #1
Share and share alike
When you think about budgeting, saving money and pulling yourself out of debt it's easy to think you're alone. So, let's rip open the lid on this issue and help each other out by sharing some wisdom and advice with one another on how we can manage our finances better, shop smarter, save money and in the process save our sanity and reclaim our lives.

If you have a tip you'd like to share please email me at

Any and all tips will be happily received and posted on The Bargain Blog each week in an attempt to help out the rest of the Bargain Mum community.


Check out...
There is a fantastic section in this month's issue of South Kids magazine about budgeting and planning a family budget. Visit for information on where you can pick up your free copy of this fantastic magazine.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

My first blog

To coincide with my first television interview tomorrow (Today Tonight coming out to interview me about the Bargain Mums website) I've decided it's a great time to post my first blog as The Bargain Mum!

I must say, the success of the Bargain Mums website has completely floored me and I am only to happy to receive emails from other mums praising the concept and thanking me for helping them save money. I am hoping this is the start of a beautiful friendship with Australian mums as I help you all save some money here and there.

So... first blog. Are you expecting fireworks? Maybe? Yes? Mmm... no fireworks in my bag of tricks, just a lot of ideas about where to next for Bargain Mums so I hope you enjoy the ride ahead.

The Bargain Blog is going to be a place where I will pass on hints and tips on how you can save money and ways to cut your costs and live life a little less 'close to the bone'.

If you are a Bargain Mum and want to help other mums save money feel free to email your tips to me at

Thanks for supporting Bargain Mums thus far!

x Indy