Sunday, May 6, 2012

Buying second-hand for baby

I am a massive fan of second hand, my 19 month old daughter's clothes would be about 95% second hand, and it has saved us so much money.   Baby’s and toddler’s grow so quickly, it doesn’t make sense to purchase all of their clothes and shoes new when you can source them for a fraction of the price.  It’s a bonus if the clothes are still in good enough condition once you have finished with them to on-sell them, you will often be able to completely recoup the money you had initially spent on the clothes, meaning you are effectively clothing your children for nothing.

Buy second hand isn’t restricted to just clothes, all baby goods can be found used, although it’s always best to buy car seats new, and if you find a second hand cot, make sure it is in good condition and that it complies with Australian standards.  Once again, once you are finished with your items, on-sell them, there is a massive market for second hand baby items, and it feels great to de-clutter every so often.

Here are some of the best ways to buy (and in some cases sell) second hand baby items:

Op Shops – There are still some fantastic ones around that don’t charge the same or more as the item would have cost new.  Op Shops are fantastic for clothes, and you can feel great making purchases from them, as your money is going to charity.

Adelaide Baby Bargains – Both the website and Facebook page are excellent for finding clothes and other baby items, however it is worth looking for items in your local area, you may spend all your savings in petrol otherwise.

eBay – There are bargains to be found, just watch the price of postage if the item isn’t in your local area.

Bargain Mums forum – We have created a new forum at for you to buy and sell your items, best if you are in Adelaide.  However, watch out for Bargain Mums websites appearing for your local area in the future.

Facebook – There are local area groups set up to find and give away free baby items, I have received a few bags of free clothes this way.  Be sure to give back to the community and pass on your items to another mum once you have finished with them.

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